Sole Child Custody in Nevada

In Nevada, the court will grant sole custody of a child to one parent if the other parent has been convicted of certain crimes or is deemed unfit. Laws in this area are changing so make sure you consult an attorney before making any decisions.

Child Sole Custody

The court does not grant an individual with sole custody simply because the other parent is requesting it. Instead, there are a number of factors that must be considered, including which parent has been convicted of certain crimes or is deemed unfit to care for the child at this time. Laws in this area continue changing so make sure you consult with an attorney before making any decisions.

When one parent is granted sole custody, they have the exclusive right to make decisions for and communicate with the children without input from their ex-spouse. One parent may have sole physical and legal custody of the child. Legal and physical custody is often included in child custody, but some agreements may not include one type of custody or the other. Exceptions to this rule are rare, such as in the case of sole child custody when one parent is granted “both” a shared amount of time with their children.

Issuing Sole Custody

Sole custody is a parenting arrangement in which only one biological or adoptive parent has decision-making authority over an individual child.

  • Psychological, Emotional, and Physical
  • Education
  • Choose the religion

Judges are very careful before giving sole legal custody to either parent. Nevada courts may grant sole custody of a child only if the court finds the requesting parent poses a danger to that child, has abandoned their spouse and family, or is incarcerated.

Pros Of Sole Custody

  • Legal custody in Nevada grants one parent all decision-making power.
  • Sole child custody in Nevada does not require the other parent’s consent.
  • One parent does not have to compromise with the other for custody of children.
  • Sole custody is a type of child custody in which one parent has the responsibility to raise children without input from or involvement by the other parent.

Cons Of Sole Custody

  • When a parent involuntarily becomes the sole caretaker of their child, they must become the primary decision-maker for them.
  • Parents can commonly face conflicts in parenting and schedules that make placing sole custody on one parent inappropriate.
  • Sole custody means that one parent is responsible for all expenses

Sole Child Custody in Nevada Las Vegas

Granting sole legal child custody period

Child custody can be made by either or both parents until the child reaches 18, though a court may step in if one of them is deemed unfit. In some cases, a judge might grant one parent sole custody but have regular check-ins on the other parent. Sole custody is when a parent loses custody of their child due to insufficient funds, or an addiction.

Difference Between Joint Custody and Sole Custody

When parents are given joint custody of a child, they share the responsibility for making decisions for their life. When parents cannot cooperate, an alternative to joint custody is sole child custody. In cases of sole custody, there is only one adult who makes decisions for the child.

Sole custody is a court order assigning responsibility for child-rearing to one parent. Sole child custody means that the parent has sole responsibility for decisions about the child.

Factors of Sole Custody

Judges put a child’s best interests first when determining custody. Though these may not be the only considerations a court in Nevada has to consider with sole custody, they are some we want to mention. These include:

(a) The child’s wishes are of utmost importance if the child is old enough and has the mental capacity to express a preference.

(b) The parent with sole custody will often be the one who prefers to maintain contact and communication between the child and the other parent.

(c) There might be a high level of parental conflict.

(d) One of the most difficult aspects of a child custody case is when parents can’t cooperate to make decisions.

(e) Parent’s health is of vital importance when deciding to place a child into custody.

(f) The welfare of the child is a top priority when deciding on who will have sole custody.

(g) The relationship between the child and each parent.

(h) Sole custody in Nevada allows kids to have a relationship with the other siblings.

(i) In Nevada, the courts take into account whether one parent has a history of neglect or abuse to determine if sole custody is best for a child.

If you’re looking into getting sole custody of your child in Nevada, contact our Child Custody Lawyer to schedule a consultation.